Reality Check 2020
A website for trainers, teachers and all involved in photographic education


Photographers and their cameras, computers, software and working methods in 2019
I have worked with many professional photographers over the years, and earned my living as a photographer and teacher / trainer in the area of photographic practice.
I have been gathering information from professionals I work with and those using the facilities at Focal Point Imaging.

Photographers and Artists
There is a mixture of photographers, some taking images for themselves to exhibit and sell, while many take pictures for other people. Cameras used for: Advertising, aerial, portrait, wedding , press, publication, theatre, sports, studio, travel, PR, art, picture libraries, wildlife, copying, exhibition and other photography.

From this material we will be able to give you a good overview of the equipment (cameras, computers) used, and the working practices (including software and printing methods) of a cross section of photographers working in the region.

This site will show you why photographers use the equipment they do and explode a few myths.

In addition I have put together a list of the important skills that I feel are vital for a working photographer.

The information contained is freely provided in the hope that it may be of use to you and your students.
I would like your to consider it in the light of GPL

Warning: understanding these concepts may save your organisation large sums of money